collectible Openers

Guide to Collecting Brown Manufacturing Company STARR Bottle Openers Since 1925 (Paperback) 

Brown Mfg. Company has been making their iconic stationary wall mounted bottle openers since 1925.  This guide, the work of collector Harold J. Eblen Jr,  provides pictures and a complete inventory of known embossed bottle openers made by Brown and provides a way to approximately date their production.  Also included is a brief history of each brand and rarity guide for each opener.  Only available on

Below are slideshows of our openers shown in their general time period produced.  The slideshows do not show the complete bottle opener line so the book is truly your best resource.  Cheers!

Purchase The Guide to Collecting STARR Bottle Openers
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Starr 1925-1928 (USA)

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Starr 1929-1935 (USA)

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Starr 1935-1970 (usa)

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Starr "X" 1929-1975 (usa)

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